Wednesday, October 2, 2019

3 of errrm 39?

Its been a while since the last blog but that doesn't mean I already quit the 39 things.... it also doesn't mean I have any significant progress to report either but life has been stupid manic that I've not had time to sit and just blog, so I thought it was about due..

I love being a mummy I really do, but dear lord above I had forgotten how joyful toddlers are when they decide to have a two week drama episode in which they become even more impossible. Okay to be fair to her she was sick for the first week but the carry on into the second week just made me eager to go to work (sorry mum) for the respite. Trust me when I say it was the kind of two weeks where trying to reason with her was probably like Dann trying to reason with me when I've made up my mind, which might mean I owe him an apology but I haven't apologised to the man in 19 years I'm not going to start now.

Because I have forgotten what has happened of late I am once again going to resort to the prompting of my memory via photos with some waffle....

On the thin front.. even though Dann totally hates this photo because he looks like he had a stroke, and I love it because its like the only bad photo of him ever, I had a moment where I had to get a mushy us photo (fine I had a drink it was a Saturday move on already) where we both looked a nice healthy weight that we are aiming for. (Please note I hate every photo of me ever because as evidenced in later photo I'm a dick when you point a camera at me). One of my 39 things was to reach my slimming world target and maintain it (not quite there yet people but when I am I promise there will be much bragging and a parade) and because I know Mr lose weight and make it look easy is going to hit his target this weekend I've been rethinking the goal I had originally set. Typically me I had to overthink this and also recognise my own personality. The reason I never hit target weight before is because I get bored and it's no fun and CAKE, this time I have lost the most weight ever and the reason for that (apart from my most excellent consultant) is that I am nothing if not competitive and it has been an absolute joy to compete with my husband in our weight loss journey. So that being said when he hits target who am I going to compete with? Thankfully another person put it in to perspective by asking me the simple question... "if you had to hit the stop button now and remain the weight / size you are now forever would you be happy?".. and you know what... YES YES I would.. therefore I have changed my target and only have 1.5 lbs left to achieve it.  (I shall continue this thought later in this blog)

Some idiot thought that one should pander to the whims of a toddler (fine it was me) and allow her to embrace her creative side. Said idiot purchased face paints thinking that toddler would enjoy the wonders of having their own face painted like Peppa the Bacon Sandwich or Duggee the squirrel but as always the child proved me wrong. Having ones own face painted causes tears tantrums and meltdowns but painting the face of the idiot face paint purchaser brings immense joy...

But apparently I am beautiful and so so pretty so who am I to argue?

I can't talk about this... okay fine I can, this makes me stupid sad, the boy child is well and truly embedded into his university life so I should be cool about this, I should also face reality and be okay with the fact that I might actually not have to share my bed with a demon octopus child, but I'm still not ready. Dann is all painty and stickery and lets move this child in here already (in a manly way of course). This here is the one occasion where I ask him to do something and get mad that it takes him 6 months to achieve it and yet now hes doing it in a much quicker time frame than I would like. clearly I am not getting it across that he can take as long as he likes!

Speaking of the boy child he totally gets brownie points for this gem of a birthday present. Admittedly I chose it and went out to get it but he contributed and I cried again. Why did no one inform me that being 39 means I cry twice as much about EVERYTHING?

On the crying front this also happened and SURPRISE I cried my eyes out, okay its only a nomination and not an award but I love a certificate and a shiny (its why I joined slimming world people). I still think its undeserved but yet I still appreciate the fact that someone (and yes I know who) values my efforts as a practice educator enough to nominate me for this. I truly love my job and I can't express the honour it is to be invited to influence students lives / journeys in a positive way so yeah I have to stop talking before I start crying again.

Also this.... because I guess through my career path I was always going to end up a teacher, I love learning with a passion and I love knowledge sharing and empowering people to become more than the label they are given. Okay admittedly I am a little panicked about fitting my 2nd teaching qualification into the rest of my life but hey student discount...

Just because no blog post is complete without a little whovian twist... currently sorting my TARDIS trolleys into true bigger on the inside style...

Back to the weight loss thing..... 

So these trousers... you know when you think something is ugly but also pretty but ugly? That's how I felt about these trousers but I kept picking them up and putting them down and blah blah blah.. Also because my dear friend told me I had to go shopping because she was fed up of me looking a dishevelled mess in clothes that clearly don't fit me I decided I was going to buy these in a smaller than I'd normally buy size and see if I could rock them / make them pretty..

(remember what I said about people wielding cameras at me?) I'm okay that I'm doing dick face (not the emoji aubergine kind of dick) because you know what those trousers kick ass and I can actually finally see the weight I've lost.

JUST YES... this doesn't require any additional explanation

Seaweed decided that Nonna's boobies needed labelling as did everything else in the house... (See from the photo that Nonna wasn't complaining)

Nonna and Seaweed send me these kind of messages while I'm at work

Mum and I tried to educate Seaweed about middle names today at teatime... I think we may have some work to do....