Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Happy Pre Birthday Eve - The Final List, Birthday celebrations (others) and decluttering

So it's the night before I get borned people (woohooo wahey etc etc) and as usual mum is pulling her bollocks about being born at 11.45pm so therefore I only actually get 15 minutes of a birthday or some such crap.. so I told her she can celebrate that 15 minutes and I'll celebrate for the whole day...

Anyhoo I can't be 39 (FOR THE FIRST TIME NO MATTER WHAT RUMOURS YOU HEAR... my birth certificate is available on request if required) without completing the 39 things list

1 Blog at least 39 times
2 Reach my slimming world target and maintain it
3 Maintain a relationship with at least one of my adult children
4 Go 39 days (in a row) without an alcoholic drink 
5 Get my teaching certificate
6 Join and complete NaNoWriMo
7 make 39 pinteresting things..
8 39 facetimes with Brilliant - I like to think this was a collaborative decision which means I don't have to face the dentist alone
9 39 swaps
10 39 days vegan
11 30 days declutter challenge
12 39 zero waste projects / crafts
13 39 NSD days
14 39 smoke free days
15 39 RAKs
16 39 date nights (with hubby obvs)
17 39 no tech (social media) days
18 39 new recipes
19  read 39 books
20 39 days of water
21 30/9 drawing challenge (inktober?)
22 39 writing prompts
23 39 early nights
24 39 photo challenge
25 complete 9  e courses
26 go to a murder mystery night
27 learn to crochet (sorry Angell)
28 Learn a new skill (hey I'm desperate at this point so vagueness is allowed)
29 Vlog (or whatever the kids call it these days)
30 Have savings over 1p
31 something for charity that doesn't involve exercise or shaving my hair off again
32 Travel abroad (fly YUK)
33 Meet a minimum of 5 Pink Laydees I haven't yet met
34 watch 39 films I haven't seen before
35 See a musical
36 Actually plant and grow veg for summer next year
37 stay up and watch the sunrise 
38 Learn and evidence 39 new social work things
39 Learn to accept compliments while staying humble

*Disclaimer I reserve the right to change any vague ideas to something more specific as and when I choose :)

Speaking of birthdays... FYI it's my birthday tomorrow (not sure if I mentioned it yet) our dear friend Veronica was *mumble mumble mumble* years old this September and while we really wanted to go to her birthday party we couldn't go because of holiday and uni and life so we were asked to make a video for her instead. I have been sitting on this video until I knew she had seen it but now I can officially release the hilarious (well at least in my opinion) video that my mother (she gets all the blame) suggested we do as well as the outtakes. This is one of the many reasons that I love my mum because when people meet me and ask me why I'm nuts I can refer to my mother on every single occasion: (For clarity the theme was garden)

 In other news I might still just a tiny bit be missing the middle child... admittedly this is mainly because there is no one to do the bins and I have no one to blame for all the things that get broken around here (and because I actually do miss him but don't tell him). He sent me this photo:

To let me know that even though he went to his first foam party and only had 3 hours sleep that he still managed to get out of bed and up for uni in time #proud
Mum suggested we take down his bed and start cleaning his room so that I can finally not have to share my bed with the demon child but after seeing this left behind I wasn't ready yet...

So we instead decided to rely on good old fashioned distraction instead and cleaned out the garage in the style of the life laundry:

I actually cannot believe we have this much crap just in the garage but admittedly it was the distraction I / we needed and means I can now walk in the garage without fearing for my life... well aside from this fucker that mum said was nothing (yet she remains terrified of the garden ginger spider thats half this ones size)

Cosima's contribution to the declutter was to climb inside a box and demand the lid be put on... I suspect she may grow up to be a magicians assistant or a weird contortionist


Please note I did not actually store her in the garage even if I was a tiny bit tempted... 

Finally I am clearly not as cool as I like to pretend as while I struggled with the coke movement around my birthday last time in which one was required to find a coke can with their name on (it was NEVER going to happen people) apparently now my coke cans have de-motivational quotes on them... I kinda like this one but does anyone want to enlighten me?


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